NIQ Longarm Quilters
Cindy Little
Accepting new clients: Yes
Contact: 208-659-6441 or cindylittle9@gmail.com
Elaine Cederquist
Accepting new clients: Yes
Contact: 208-283-1996 or skipandelaine@msn.com
Ginny Tary
Details: Gammill Statler, E2E quilting
Accepting new clients: Yes
Contact: 208-641-7306
Maureen Breen
Business name: “Memories”
Details: 12 foot Gammill with a computerized Statler stitcher, Edge to edge all over computerized quilting
Accepting new clients: Yes
Contact: 208-818-8684
Shelly Noordam
Accepting new clients: Yes
Contact: 208-699-3303 or michelle.noordam@gmail.com
Shelly Ward
Accepting new clients: Yes
Contact: 701-240-3935 or Ndsuperquilter@yahoo.com
Wendy Crispin
Business Name: Crispin Studios, LLC
Accepting new clients: Yes
Contact: 208 916-4903 or Crispin-Studios.com
*List in Alphabetical order
North Idaho Quilters has a lending library of books about quilting and a few (quilting) novels. Books will be available to check out at the general meetings and are due two months later at the next general meeting.
Library rules:
1. You must be a member to check out books.
2. $1.00 late fee for each overdue book (tuck the money into the card pocket).
3. You cannot check out books if you have late books that are not returned.
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President - Linda Cathey
Vice President - Catherine Ghirarduzzi
Treasurer- Cherie' Vidovich
Secretary - Cindy Little
Auditor* 2024 - Eloise Hearing
Basket Raffle - Nancy Quarnberg and Cindie Lee
Community Service - Catherine Ghirarduzzi and team
Door Prizes - Mary Wallgren
Facebook - Dana Stiegemeier
Fundraising (50/50) - Linda Fleming
Greeter Coordinator - Kay Co​nnors
Hospitality - Lorelei Ruddick
Kids Camp - Jean-Anne Sharrai, Cherie Vidovich
Library - Cindy Little, Patti Ohop
Membership - Laura Miller, Michelle Noordam
Newsletter - Angel Rutan
Program/Workshops - Sandy Billingslea
2026 Quilt Show - Jean-Anne Sharrai , Cherie Vidovich
2025 Raffle Quilt - Nancy Barr
Retreats - Patti Richmond, Lisa Roskam
Sew-Sew Yard Sale - Sandy Meech
Stash Collectors - Jeanne Hron, Barb Lujan
Sunshine - Caryl Johnston
Website - Caroline Dobner
* NOTE: The Auditor is NOT a Board position

We would like to recognize those who have served North Idaho Quilters as President:
Sally Clouse - 1995 - 1997
Carol Bean - 1997 - 1998
Ardell Parkins - 1998 - 1999
Bonnie Kester - 1999 - 2000
Arless Scheet - 2000 - 2001
Candi Fisher - 2001 - 2003
Dawn Forest - 2003 - 2004
Lois Grutta - 2004 - 2005
Carlene Litz - 2005 - 2007
Sharon Howe - 2007 - 2009
Louise Kahl - 2009 - 2011
Nona Kay Barclay - 2011 - 2013
​Carlene Litz - 2013 - 2015
Mary Wallgren - 2015 - 2017
Betty Franzatti - 2017 - 2018
Pam Moore - 2018 - 2019
Barb Lambrecht - 2019 - 2021
Cindie Lee - 2021 - 2023
Linda Cathey - 2023 - present